Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a common zoonotic disease in the world, which is caused by the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus settling in various organs in both animals and humans. It is common in livestock breeding areas and rural areas. This study was conducted to determine anti-E. granulosus seropositivity in patients with clinical pre-diagnosis/suspected CE in Kafkas University Health Research and Application Hospital in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey.
Study material; between January 2018 and December 2020, 498 blood samples were sent to the Parasitology Laboratory from patients with clinical pre-diagnosis of CE, who applied to Kafkas University Health Research and Application Hospital for three years. The obtained serum samples were analyzed by indirect hemagglutination method.
Anti-Echinococcus granulosus antibodies were detected in 74 (14.9%) of 498 patients with clinical pre-diagnosis of hydatid cyst. Of the positive cases, 53 (71.6%) were observed in women, and 21 (28.4%) in men (p<0.05). Anti-E. granulosus antibodies were most commonly detected in the 16-30 age group (32.9%) (p<0.05), and 19.3% in the 16-60 age group.
Although the study data do not cover the entire Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey, it has been concluded that KE maintains its importance as a public health problem in the region.
Cystic echinococcosis, anti-Echinococcus granulosus, seropozitifity, Turkey
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