Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a parasitic disease that has been known for years in helminth diseases and it is important as human and animal health problem in many parts of the world and in our country due to economic losses. In this study, it was aimed to retrospectively evaluate the distribution of anti-E. granulosus-IgG antibodies in patients with pre-diagnosis of CE that referred to parasitology laboratory between January 2013-December 2018.
Commercial kit was used for indirect hemaglutination (IHA), indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and Western blot (WB) methods using sera from patient samples was applied according to the kit proposal. In addition, patient materials for CAM, CSF and blood for which polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/QPCR tests were requested were examined.
Sera of the patients who were tested with at least one of the IHA, IFAT and WB methods or a combination of these methods, and 443 cases out of 2.283 cases were found to be E. granulosus seropositive. It was determined that 369 (62.03%) of 443 positive patients were female and 330 (37.97%) were male patients. Among these patients, 87 patients whose IFAT and/or IHA tests were negative were found to have positive results with the WB method. IFAT or IHA test results of 13 patients with negative WB tests were found to be positive. Four patients were identified with both tests positive but WB test results negative. In addition, 36 of 72 patients who underwent PCR/QPCR tests were found to be positive.
As a result of a six-year retrospective screening, 22% of the cases were found to be positive, and it was concluded that the prevalence of CE is high and the use of a single test may be insufficient in the diagnosis of CE, therefore, test combinations will increase the sensitivity and reliability in reaching the correct diagnosis.
Cystic echinococcosis, IHA, IFAT, WB, PCR, QPCR
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