This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Entamoeba spp. in suspected stool samples submitted to our laboratory
In this retrospective study, stool samples of 998 patients with suspected amebiasis were sent from various clinics and services to our laboratory and were investigated by native-Lugol and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [for Entamoeba spp. antigen (Ridascreen® Entamoeba)] between January 2010 and December 2014.
By the end of the study, it was shown that 8.5% (85) of 997 patients, 7.45% (39) of males and 9.8% (46) of females whom amoeba antigen inspected in their stool samples, were positive. No parasite was identified by the saline-Lugol method. The highest antigen positivity was detected in the 25–44-year-old group with 11% positivity, and a high positivity of 23.2% was seen in March.
These results demonstrate that amebiasis is still a major health concern for our region. Although no parasite was detected during microscopic examinations, the detection of antigen positivity by ELISA reveals that microscopic examinations require experience and utilizing only microscopic examinations may lead to overlooks. To obtain more reliable results in diagnosis, ELISA analyses that use E. histolytica-specific monoclonal antibodies should be applied in addition to microscopic methods.