This survey was undertaken to determine respiratory and gastrointestinal parasites in 85 horses of varying ages, gender and breeds, belonging to the Military School of Veterinary Medicine and Training Center in Gemlik. Individual fecal samples were collected and they were examined by flotation, sedimentation and the Baermann-Wetzel method. The results showed that 64 horses (75.29%) were infected with at least one (62.35%) or two (12.94%) parasites. The following species were detected: Strongylidae (71.76%), Parascaris equorum (8.23%), Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (1.17%), Oxyuris equi (1.17%), Anoplocephalidae (1.17%) and Eimeria leuckarti (5.88%). Additionally, fecal samples that contained strongylus eggs, were incubated for larval differentiation. The larvae obtained were identified as Cyathostominae (98%) and Triodontophorus spp. (2%). But no larvae of the Strongylus spp. could be detected.