A survey aimed at exploring the endoparasitic acephaline gregarine diversity in South-western Bengal, detected a new species of the genus Monocystis Stein, 1848, that resides in the seminal vesicles of the earthworm, Apporectodea trapezoides Duges collected in the district of Bankura from alluvial soil. Monocystis apporectodae sp. nov. is a ribbon-like organism with one or more prominent constrictions especially in some mature forms and measures 178.0-224.0 (203.0±5.0) μm × 37.0-58.0 (46.0±1.5) μm. The extreme ends are pointed. Its gametocysts are ovoid and measure 108.0-118.0μm (113.0±1.1) × 79.0-89.0 (83.0±1.1) μm. Oocysts are navicular in shape. The length of the oocysts ranges from 10.0-14.6 and the width, from 5.5-8.1 μm.
Monocystis apporectodae sp. nov., gregarine, earthworm, seminal vesicle, India