SCP2, which is an important vaccine candidate or target drug site for Anopheles sacharovi with high vector potential, was firstly characterized in this study and the developmental stages and expression differences in the tissues of the mosquito were revealed.
Twelve of the SCP-2 nucleotide sequences of 14 isolates included in the sequence analysis were 100% identical and the SCP-2 sequences of the other two isolates that were homologous to each other showed a single nucleotide change at base 183. The 216 bp fragment of the SCP-2 gene region was found encoding the 72 amino acid chain. SCP-2 gene sequences clustered the isolates monophyletically on the basis of mosquito species and strains, and that Anopheles sacharovi isolates formed a subcluster together with Anopheles stephensi and Anopheles funestus within the Anopheles cluster in phylogenetic analysis. Because of q-polymerase chain reaction-mediated expression analysis, SCP-2 gene was expressed highest in adult males, followed by an adult female, ss L4, L3, L2, L1, and pupal stages, respectively. In adult female tissues, the SCP-2 gene was expressed the highest in the fat body, followed by the midgut and salivary glands, respectively.
The adult female An. sacharovi collected from the Sultan Sazlığı region and the development stages in the insectarium constituted the study material. cDNA isolation was performed following total RNA extraction from An. sacharovi strains. The 216 bp fragment of the SCP-2 gene was amplified with optimized primers in cDNA templates and was sequenced. Genetic characterization of the sequences was provided in silico analysis.
It was aimed to characterize the sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2) gene in Anopheles sacharovi using molecular methods for the first time, and to reveal the expression levels of An. sacharovi in the developmental stages and female generation in different tissues such as salivary gland, midgut and adipose tissue.
Anopheles sacharovi, sterol carrier protein-2, molecular characterization, expression analysis
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