Dermatological cases caused by myiasis make up approximately 20% of travel diseases. Ocular involvement occurred in approximately 5% of these myiasis cases. The conjunctival involvement of Oestrus ovis (O. ovis) larvae, which is the active agent in most ocular infestation cases in humans, causes external ophthalmomyiasis. External ophthalmomyiasis was diagnosed because of O. ovis first-stage larvae that were removed from the conjunctiva of three patients who applied to the Şırnak State Hospital Eye Clinic with complaints of foreign body sensation, burning, stinging, watering, and redness in the eyes and swelling of the eyelids in July and October. All symptoms of the patients disappeared within a few days after the removal of the larvae. Ophthalmomyiasis due to O. ovis must be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with similar eye complaints in areas where sheep and goat husbandry is performed intensely.
External ophthalmomyiasis, Oestrus ovis, Turkey
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