In this study, investigation was made of the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the students in the dormitory for girls of the Sivas Gazi High School. Stool samples and cellophane-tape preparations of 61 students were examined and one or more intestinal parasites were detected in 12 (19.7%) out of the 61 students. In this study, the rates of parasites were found to be as follows: E. vermicularis in 5 (8.2%), T. saginata in 4 (6.6%), E. coli in 3 (4.9%), H. nana in 1 (1.6%) and G. intestinalis in 1(1.6%) of these students. We have found that the prevalence of parasitic infection in the region has decreased during recent years. The children with parasites were treated with anti-parasitic drugs.
Intestinal parasites, dormitory, Sivas, prevalence