Cystic echinococcosis is a very important zoonotic disease both for the World and Turkey. This study was performed to determine the prevalence, seasonal distribution and economic importance of Cystic echinococcosis by using the data provided from the 2010 records of the Kars Municipal Abattoir.
In this retrospective study, the records of 3.846 cattle slaughtered at the Kars Municipal Abattoir between January and December 2010 were investigated.
In this study, 3.846 cattle were examined. CE was found in 203 (5.3%) out of 3846 cattle in that Abattoir. It was also found that the incidence rate of this infection in female cattle is higher than the rates in the males (p<0.001). It was also determined that this infection is mostly prevalent in Spring (37.4%), while it is less prevalent in Autumn (15.8%). The total annual economic loss due to hydatidosis in cattle slaughtered at Kars municipal abattoir was estimated to be to 12.180 TL (7.708 $) per year.
As a result, obtained prevalence values indicate that cystic echinococcosis causes potential risks for public health besides causing significant economic losses in the Kars province.