In this study, the carriage of intestinal parasites was investigated in a total of 73 children (35 girls, 38 boys) in the 1-6 age-group in two special day nurseries in the city of Rize. Stool samples and cellophane tape preparations were obtained from children three times a month. Parasite cysts or eggs were found in total of 15.0% of the stool samples or cellophane tape preparations from children. It has been determined that 8.5% of the girls and 21.0% of the boys were parasite porters, and that all of these were asymptomatic carriers. Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba coli + Iodamoeba bütschlii, Taenia spp. and Enterobius vermicularis were detected at rates of 11.0%, 1.3%, 1.3% and 1.3%, respectively.
Intestinal parasites, day nursery, Rize