The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of coccidia species in calves in the region of Yüksekova (Hakkari) between March 2004 and July 2004. During this period fecal samples were collected from the rectum of 92 calves. Eimeria spp. and Isospora spp. oocysts were found in eighty-two (89.13%) out of a total of 92 calves. A solution of 2.5% potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) was added to the feces containing oocysts. Determination of the coccidia species was done after the sporulation of the oocysts in the Petri dishes containing feces. It was found that the calves were infected with a total of 10 species. These species were E. bovis (47.82%), E. zuernii (35.86%), E. auburnensis (15.21%), E. ellipsoidalis (11.95%), E. alabamensis (9.78%), E. cylindrica (8.69%), E. subspherica (6.25%), E. bukidnonensis (5.43%), E. illinoisensis (2.17%) and Isospora spp. (3.26%).