<i>Enterobius vermicularis</i> Infestation Mimicking Rectal Malignancy
Case Report
P: 58-60
March 2020

Enterobius vermicularis Infestation Mimicking Rectal Malignancy

Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2020;44(1):58-60
1. Hakkari State Hospital, Clinic of General Surgery, Hakkari, Turkey
2. İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, İstanbul, Turkey
3. İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, İstanbul, Turkey
4. İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, İstanbul, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 07.10.2019
Accepted Date: 04.12.2019
Publish Date: 20.03.2020


Enterobius vermicularis is a common intestinal nematode of humans that can be considered relatively harmless. A polypoid lesion mimicking malignancy was detected in the rectum of a 66-year-old female patient who had been operated for sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma in the past. Histopathological examination of the lesion revealed no malignancy but there was adult E. vermicularis nematodes and eggs. In this case report, we aimed to present an enterobiasis infestation that produces non-necrotizing granuloma tissue in the rectum.

Keywords: Enterobius vermicularis, rectal polyp, malignancy


Enterobius vermicularis is a common intestinal nematode that is common all over the world, especially in temperate regions, where fecal sanitation is poor, and rarely leads to symptomatic diseases. The most typical symptom of E. vermicularis infestation is pruritus ani which particularly exacerbates at nights. It is not zoonotic, its life cycle is simple and human is its only natural host. It is spread through the fecal-oral route and is transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of the helminth egg. The female helminths migrate to the anus and empty their eggs into the perianal region, leading to pruritis ani. An adult female helminth can live in the bowel for about six weeks. If the infection becomes chronic, the inflammatory reaction process may progress up to polyp development in the colon mucosa. In the literature, this infestation has been reported to have the potential to cause acute appendicitis, salpingitis, ileocolitis, mesenteric abscess and urinary tract infection (1). It has been further reported to create granuloma in the cecum, sigmoid colon, anal canal and extraintestinal tissues such as liver and ovary (2-7).

There are only a few case reports in the literature that E. vermicularis mimics malignancy (4,6-8). Similarly, other helminths such as Schistosoma species, Fasciola hepatica, Echinococcus species and Ascaris species have been shown to cause lesions mimicking malignancy (9,10).

In this case report we aimed to present a case of rectal polyp physical appearance of which met the criteria for malignancy but whose etiology was, in fact, found to be inflammatory and infective.


A 66-year-old female patient, who had been operated for sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma six months ago in İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, applied for a follow-up examination after adjuvant chemotherapy. During the digital rectal examination, a palpable lesion was detected on the posterior wall of the rectum approximately 2 cm proximal to the rectal exit. Positron emission tomography-computed tomography showed high fluorodeoxyglucose levels in the rectum (SUVmax=6.1). Colonoscopy revealed that the anastomosis line at 20 cm was natural, but there was a collapsed and ulcerated polypoid lesion of 1 cm in diameter which was located 1 cm proximal to the linea dentata in the rectum (Figure 1). Multiple biopsies were obtained from the lesion which was considered as possible second primary tumor (T2N0Mx) on the endoscopic ultrasound examination. No tumor finding was observed in the histological examination and endoscopic mucosal resection was performed. Histopathological examination of resection material showed dense lymphoplasmacytic cells in and around the ulcer in the rectum, neutrophil infiltration, concomitant eosinophils, and granulation tissue (Figure 2). Fragments, which were thought to belong to the parasite, were seen in the serial sections (Figure 3). No malignancy was observed. In the microbiology consultation, the morphological features of the parasite were reported to be compatible with Enterobius vermicularis. No recurrence was observed in the control colonoscopy performed following the albendazole treatment. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient who participated in this study. Ethical approvel was obtained for this study (approval date and number: 10.09.2019/303098).

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3


Gastrointestinal infection due to Enterobius vermicularis occurs worldwide and is considered to be the most common helminthic infection. Although seen in all ages and socioeconomic levels, there is a distinct predilection for the pediatric population and women (11). As previously mentioned, the mature worm of E. vermicularis lives in the proximal part of the ascending colon, caecum, appendix and the terminal ileum. If it is not diagnosed and treated appropriately, it can cause granulation tissue development as a result of chronic inflammation in the organs. This granulation tissue is sometimes similar to malignant lesions and may lead to unnecessary investigations and invasive treatments.

Elsaid et al. (7) reported that E. vermicularis infestation was the etiology of a malignant polypoid lesion localized in the cecum. In addition, Bharathi et al. (4) presented a case of E. vermicularis mimicking a pseudo-tumor located in the anal canal. In the present case, an ulcerated polypoid lesion detected in the distal rectum of the patient who had undergone surgery for sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma 6 months ago, caused suspicion of second primary malignancy and the definitive diagnosis could be made as a result of histological examination performed following the endoscopic mucosal resection.

In the literature, several cases have been reported too that chronic infestation of E. vermicularis in the liver parenchyma as well as in the digestive tract leads to mass lesions mimicking malignancy (6,12,13).

While eradication of E. vermicularis can be achieved with oral antihelminthic agents such as albendazole or pyrantel pamoad, in some case reports, radical treatment methods that can reach up to surgical resection are seen (6,8,12). Since our patient was suitable for endoscopic mucosal resection, there was no need for radical surgical resection.

Not only E. vermicularis, but also some other nematode, cestode and trematode species have been reported to cause lesions mimicking malignancy (9,10,14,15). The most commonly reported are Schistosoma and Echinococcus species, respectively (9).

The differential diagnosis of malignancy and the parasitic infestation cannot be made based on laboratory tests or radiological imaging methods. As in our case, biopsy and histological examination are mandatory and of critical importance for the definitive diagnosis in patients with suspected colorectal malignancy. Therefore, it is important to recognise that the various modalities used for diagnosis in medicine do not offer a definitive diagnosis in all cases. Findings should be interpreted judiciously, taking into account the sensitivity and specificity of the technique used.

It should be kept in mind that Enterobius vermicularis may cause lesions that are difficult to differentiate from malignancy as a result of chronic infestation in gastrointestinal tract.


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