Present study was performed to record the oviposition and egg laying pattern of two phthirapteran species infesting red whiskered Bulbul.
The number of egg laid by each species on different parts of body was recorded by direct observation under stereozoom binocular microscope. Feathers bearing egg were subjected to SEM to observe the pattern of egg laying.
The maximum percentage of egg of the ischnoceran louse, Brueelia guldum were recorded on feather of back region, followed by neck and breast. The amblyceran louse, Menacanthus eurysternus prefers to lay eggs mainly on neck, head and nape feathers.
The ischnoceran louse, Brueelia guldum exhibits widespread oviposition sites while amblyceran louse, Menacanthus eurysternus shows restricted oviposition sites on the host body.