A total of 100 ground squirrels, Citellus (C.) citellus were trapped in rural regions of Konya in order to determine the presence of ectoparasites. Of these C. citellus examined, 16% (16/100) were infected with at least one ectoparasite species. Two types of ectoparasites were found including 10% fleas and 7% ticks. Only two flea species were found on C. citellus including Nosopsyllus fasciatus 10% (10/100) and Pulex irritans 1% (1/100). Also, only two species of ticks were found on the C. citellus examined. The rate of Haemaphysalis sp. nymphs was found to be 5% (5/100). Both Ixodes sp. adults and Ixodes sp. nymphs were found in 1% (1/100) of the C. citellus examined. The prevalence of ectoparasites showed no specific relationship with the gender and age of the host. Evidently, ground squirrels carry relatively few ectoparasite species in Turkey. This is the first report describing ectoparasites of C. citellus in Turkey.