Cystic echinococcosis (hydatid cyst) is one of the most important parasitic zoonoses that affect both humans and animals and has been known since prehistoric times. The cystic echinoccosis is a major health problem in our country as well as in many countries worldwide, and serological methods, in addition to imaging techniques, are used in the diagnosis of hydatid cyst. In the present study, anti- Echinococcus antibodies were investigated by ELISA in patient’s serum samples, which were routinely delivered to the Medical Microbiology Laboratory of Gazi University Faculty of Medicine due to suspected hydatid cyst.
A total of 186 patients with suspected hydatid cysts from several outpatient clinics and departments of Gazi University Hospital were included in the present study. IgG antibodies in serum samples of patients with anti-Echinococcus were investigated by ELISA (Novalisa Echinococcus IgG, NovaTec, Germany).
Anti-Echinococcus IgG seropositivity was determined as 35.5% in patients with suspected hydatid cyst. There are no statistical differences in ELISA positive results relating to gender, adult/child age group and associated clinics.
Hydatid cyst seropositivity was higher among patients admitted to our hospital.